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Oncotelic Therapeutics

Symbol: OTLC

Combination Therapy Revolutionizing Cure for Cancer, The Next Frontier in Fight Against Cancer, OT-101 + Keytruda could be the Answer. Join the Fight, Support The Mission of OTLC, Oncotelic learn more

Daily Stock Deals Exclusive! An Interview with Dr. Maida
As an investor you obviously look at the size of addressable market and that’s what motivates investors, right?  As I’ve mentioned Keytruda has made $17 billion for Merck last year – if Dr. Vuong’s invention/discovery helps increase the efficacy rate of Keytruda even by only 50%, you do the math!  We are talking about an opportunity worth billions! Think about it.
Oncotelic Developing Distinct Drugs Targeting Several Extremely Brutal Diseases (Each of them has the potential to be a block buster) let’s focus on one for now.

Keytruda + OT-101 Combo

Oncotelic is led by one of the most renowned scientists in America, a pioneer in immuno-oncology, a man with 39 Patents to his name and over 100 Patent Applications Pending – Dr. Vuong Trieu.
Keytruda meet > OT-101

What Dr. Vuong and his excellent team did here is absolutely breathtaking! Dr. Vuong likes Keytruda, it’s great and it’s helping a lot of folks but it could do more, a whole lot more!  When you combine the existing drug (Keytruda) with Dr. Vuong's breakthrough discovery (after the FDA approval) the initial indications are that the rate of efficacy of Keytruda can increase by up to 100%!

Primary Focus:

The one we are most excited about for the time being (without diminishing the importance of the other drugs that are in various stages of development) is a potential therapy that could increase the efficacy of an existing FDA approved drug (by as much as 100%) a drug that has generated over $17 billion in revenue last year alone and expected to hit $20 billion in 2025. The name of the drug is Keytruda owned by Merck.

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